Cease and Desist Order Issued Against German FOI Portal "Frag den Staat"
German Ministry of the Interior has issued Frag den Staat , (a German FOI portal run by the Open Knowledge Foundation Germany) with a cease and desist order, for publishing a document on EU party quotas which they obtained under the FOI law. Below is the English translation from the Frag den Staat blog. Please republish and lend your support. Access to data is supported by the ODI, OKF, the OGP and many other world wide organizations. Cease and desist by the German government for publishing a document received under FOI law The German Federal Ministry of the Interior has sent a cease and desist order to the Freedom of Information (FOI) portal FragDenStaat.de for publishing a document received under the German federal FOI law. The document – a five page study written by government staff – analyses a ruling by the German constitutional court in November 2011 which declared the 5% party quota for the European Parliament elections as unconstitutional. The study concludes that ...