Make 2014 the year you get involved: Code for America in NC
Posted on January 2, 2014 by Ian Henshaw
What is Code for America?
Code for America is a 501(c)3 non-profit that envisions a government by the people, for the people, that works in the 21st century.
Our programs change how we participate in government by:
connecting citizens and governments to design better services,
encouraging low-risk settings for innovation; and,
supporting a competitive civic tech marketplace.
Code for America in NC

NC Cities with Code for America Brigades
Morrisville (forming)
What is a Code for America Fellowship?
The Fellowship is Code for America’s best known program and consists of a one year residency placing developers, designers and researchers within local governments. Over the course of the program, fellows and government partners build apps, inspire new thinking amongst public servants and tackle some of our country’s toughest problems.
What is a Code for America Brigade?
The Brigade network is an ongoing effort to deploy, maintain and sustain civic technology and open data infrastructures. Each Brigade is comprised of local volunteers and government employees who connect for regular hack nights, discussions and app development.
Brigade Projects in the Triangle
The Raleigh Brigade was one of 15 inaugural Code for America Brigades in 2012. The Raleigh Brigade participated in the Code for America ‘Race for Reuse’ campaign and developed and deployed the Adopt-a-Shelter app for Raleigh. The Raleigh Brigade sponsors Triangle Wiki and CityCamp NC
The Cary Brigade formed in 2013 and is currently working on an app to visualize development data in Cary. The Cary Brigade sponsors Triangle Open Data Day
The Durham Brigade formed in 2013 and is currently working on a Durham Restaurant app. The Durham Brigade is working with the City of Durham and Durham County to adopt a joint Open Data Policy
In December 2013 the Triangle Brigades cooperated in an event to assist Raleigh with their Open Data Portal

How do I get Involved?
Code for America is an open group and all can join. We need a diverse voice to be effective. Please join your local Meetup Group:
Code for Asheville
Code for Charlotte
Triangle Code for America – Cary, Durham, Morrisville, RaleighIf you don’t live in any of these areas, please contact Ian Henshaw, Brigade Captain for Code for Cary and Managing Partner of Tech Tank, and he will get you connected!
Picture by Reid Serozi
Code for Asheville
Code for Charlotte
Triangle Code for America – Cary, Durham, Morrisville, RaleighIf you don’t live in any of these areas, please contact Ian Henshaw, Brigade Captain for Code for Cary and Managing Partner of Tech Tank, and he will get you connected!
Picture by Reid Serozi
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