FEB 27 Notes from Cary Open Data Day: The Concept of "My Data"

Recently +Laura James brought up a concept that I have seen floating around. The concept of "My Data" and "Open Data". She wrote on the OKFN blog here: blog.okfn.org/2013/02/22/open-data-my-data . Now while I was speaking at the Cary Open Data Day during our policy session and gentleman asked me a questions about personal data. This started with my keynote remarks regarding privacy policy and privacy in practice. In my remarks I discussed some of the diagrams used by +David Eaves to explain the difference between personal data and open data. David used wonderful Venn diagrams to show where personal data and open government data intersect. I have provided a link to this great post on personal data here: http://eaves.ca/2013/01/07/the-journal-https://www.blogger.com/blogger.g?blogID=5930427769440764073#editor/target=post;postID=706240073538139688news-gun-map-open-vs-personal-data/ This set off a series of questions about how privacy works in the real world, how we ...