
A Response from Mark Wainwright on my ODI and OGP Blog Post:

  From Mark Wainwright I was interested to read your blog post about ODIs, the OGP and open data. It's good to know that people are on the back of the governments about ensuring they follow through with their Open Data commitments. From Jason Hare I welcome Mark's comments as well as those from the OKFN. Where I have represented the OKFN at large I have replaced that wording with OKFN Ireland. My comments are my own and do not reflect the views of any organization or company with which I am affiliated. I look forward to meeting my open data colleagues for a lively discussion on topics relating to the opening of government data. I am hoping the subject centers around governance rather than technology. Good policy always triumphs over technology. MARK'S COMMENT 1: "A couple of things you said surprised me. I don't know that, in the UK at least, the ODI is a watchdog of the government's transparency portal. For sure the ODI are doing great work - I'm just not ...

The Open Data Institute is Integral to the Open Government Partnership

  National and regional nodes of the Open Data Institute (@UKODI) must be established in every Open Government Partnership member country. With the  ODI Summit  and the  OGP Summit  occurring during the same week in London at the end of October, I have been thinking about the role the ODI must play in Open Government Data. Let's have a few definitions and a little backstory to the ODI, the OGP and the current state of Open Government Data. Why do we need governance? We are now closing in on the 5th year of a vigorous world wide movement to open data within government. There have been some successes and some mainstreaming. The adoption of open data by default with Whitehouse Memorandum M13-13, the G8 Charter on Open Data and certainly 59 countries agreeing to participate internationally as OGP members are signs that we are moving in the right direction. There is room for improvement. The OGP requirements leave room for interpretation, the Whitehouse has not follo...

CKAN Hackathon for Open Data to Take Place in Dublin

  Friday, 27th September 2013:  A CKAN hackathon takes place tomorrow ( Saturday ,  28th September ) at TCube in Dublin bringing together IT specialists, political representatives and members of the public with an interest in making data open.    Developers, designers, journalists, academics, policy makers, creative thinkers, civil servants, entrepreneurs and interested parties are invited to the event which aims to provide the people of Ireland with a single access point to the information collected by their government by deploying a Central Open Data Portal.  Open, usable and available knowledge will lead to greater transparency for Irish citizens and accountability from Irish representatives.  Hackathon organizer and Ambassador for Ireland of the Open Knowledge Foundation, Denis Parfenov, commented: "We strongly believe that comprehensive and meaningful information has the potential to empower better evidence based decision-making for all of us: abo...

Open Data in Practice: Day One

The first day of the training course Open Data in Practice in the Open Data Institute. The first day included 8 hours with short breaks for coffee. Our class of 12 people listened to a few lectures and learned about the world of open data (Discovering Data on the Web). The lectures led by David Tarrant of the University of Southampton were lively and moved along at a brisk pace. The format of the presentation was accessible and an accommodating way to learn about open data, the evolution of the web, data formats, why and where these formats are used. Dave also delivered a separate lecture on related data and the RDF-model of data. This was a much more interesting area of open data. I will organize and publish my thoughts and notes I made ​​during the class. Amazingly, our group included several people I have known only virtually. One of these virtual friends was Jason Hare, who I met on the Internet a few months ago on the basis of open data. He heads a wonderful project on open data o...

School Districts and Open Data: CPS Apples2Apples

In my previous blog posting I discussed some of the problems with accountability data schools generate and the accessibility of that data by parents, business people and tax payers. The accountability portals and school websites do not speak to the issues that these groups of citizens are seeking. Parents in particular are looking for ways to engage with the district and that want that engagement to be data driven. That is, decisions by school administrators, parents, voters on referendums should be based on data rather than Colbert's brilliant fake word "Truthiness". Apples2Apples: The Good Stuff What could a data driven school portal look like? It could be a Socrata or CKAN instance run by the district or parents. One does not have to imagine what a school open data portal would like. +Jeanne Marie Olson pointed me to CPS Apples2Apples . This is an excellent example of open data using open source tools and crowd-sourcing the effort to create an engaging data experienc...

School Districts and Open Data

  The School District Data Deluge I can think of two good reasons why the K-12 vertical is a natural fit for an open data initiative. School performance data: School performance data directly affects the economy through home sales the vitality of a neighborhood community centered around a school. Open data needs to start early as part of the class curriculum and be blended with STEM subjects. Students will need to understand data, how it is consumed and how it can be effectively produced and accessed. Most school districts across North Carolina and elsewhere are still in the process of building their data system technology capacity. An examination of district and state level capacity with respect to data systems needs to take into account the multiple types of systems containing data concerning students and other aspects of the education system. Data is not just generated around student performance and accountability. Public safety, transportation, spending per capita on students, ...

Open Data Discussion by Councilman +Steve Rao

  Morrisville Demo Portal from + Socrata An Evening with Morrisville City Council The evening ended with my discussion on Open Data and my desire to have Council adopt an Open Data policy. I presented to Council, on the benefits of Open Data to the citizens, with the primary benefit, being that open data in machine readable format will enable citizens to create apps, which can bring efficiency to the Town, make our lives easier. Also, open data can fuel economic growth with a few projects, getting off the ground, by venture funding, creating jobs, and opportunities. Morrisville Open Data Portal With our focus on Morrisiville, I presented what a Morrisville Open DataPortal would look like, presented open data sets with CAMPO Data and also presented the City of Chicago open data sets for transportation. I cannot think of a better way for us to lead with a Transportation Task Force, if we can have an Open Data pilot, where citizens can use this type of data to provide feedback, ar...