
Showing posts from December, 2013

The Citizen Experience of Transparency Portals

  CX, UX, Transparency, Open Data I suppose being a former anthropologist I have an overdeveloped interest in classification and precise descriptions. The citizen experience (CX), the user experience (UX), transparency and open data all have some overlap but are different things. These four concepts intersect in a particular kind of portal. Government transparency portals have been around for some time. Most government transparency portals suffer from many of the same issues: Organizationally driven rather than user driven design Compartmentalized data presented in an opaque, hard to decipher narrative Lack of adherence to modern design standards  Lack of design pattern development, one has to relearn how to use different transparency portals Lack of data normalization and provenance I will walk through these issues after first cleaning up some of the mess regarding definitions and concepts that intersect with government transparency portals. Open Government, Open Data Some tr...

Open Data Used for Public Good: The Holocaust

  North Carolina Neighbors: Holocaust Speakers Bureau Two years ago I was introduced to the Holocaust Speakers Bureau as part of a project to document local survivors. Sharon Halperin and Debbie Long of Chapel Hill along with Peter Stein have been instrumental in gathering the media assets for this project. Peter Stein is himself a survivor of the Nazi Holocaust in Prague and is now a professor of sociology at the University of North Carolina. Documenting Genocide The purpose of our group is to bring Holocaust survivors to local classrooms, board rooms, churches, mosques, synagogues and community groups so that these survivors can share their experiences. Some of our survivors lived through the hell of a concentration camp. Others were hidden by Christian families (or in one case, by the Quakers), still others managed to emigrate from Europe just as the tight quotas were completely squeezed shut, making a transcontinental journey to their new home in the United States. Can you imag...