The other day, I flooded a customer website licensed for 75 datasets with 318 additional in five minutes while using the OpenDataSoft ArcGIS Harvester. Yup. I did that. I felt not so much like “Darth Vader” as much as I did “Dark Helmet” (Rick Moranis in Spaceballs, see below if this reference goes over your head). I was using OpenDataSoft’s ArcGIS Harvester. It’s still in private beta, but will likely be available by the end of December (consider it a Christmas gift to you!) for data publishing. Luckily, the Harvester also came with a delete button so the customer was not affected. I took the usual ribbing from my co-workers. David Thoumas added that we do not need “too many datasets”. I was awed with the power of the Harvester. I had seen it work a year ago and take most of an afternoon to mine data. I innocently put the root of the GIS server into the Harvester, and suddenly it was pulling in data at “Ludicrous Speed”. Ian Henshaw noted we hit hyper drive...