
Showing posts from June, 2014

Deprecation of the Microsoft Open Government Data Initiative is a Good Thing

  The Open Government Partnership Summit Banner In May of this year, Asian and European countries met for the regional Open Government Partnership summits to once again discuss transparency and open government. In light of the session tracks that were presented I am evaluating some of the technologies of the past and how there has been a welcome and fundamental shift from Open Government and Open Data being ambiguously linked toward the separation of the two in more current thinking and in technology approaches. Most notably, the deprecation of Microsoft's Open Government Data Initiative platform is a positive sign of the times that the government community is becoming aware of the danger of open government and open data linking. Harlan Yu and David G. Robinson discussed the OGP in "The New Ambiguity of Open Government" (Princeton CITP/Yale ISP Working Paper). "The Open Government Declaration is broad approach toward 'openness,' as signatories commit to '...


The City of Raleigh’s Open Data Program is working with other municipalities on a pilot to make a sustainable marketplace for applications using open government data. The sustainable marketplace is based on the concept of a two-sided marketplace. Benefits The two-sided markets, also called two-sided networks, are economic platforms having two distinct user groups that provide each other with network benefits. The organization that creates value primarily by enabling direct interactions between two (or more) distinct types of affiliated consumers. In this case governments will benefit by being able to join a network of other governments in releasing data sets to the public. Developers will benefit by having a homogenous market space and a larger consumer base in which to create applications. Citizens benefit from being able to easily consume data. The overall goal of this proposed project is to create a smart Platform for Open Innovation and Sustainable Entrepreneurship (POISE) tha...