Ireland Open Data: Issues and Challenges

Ireland by NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Are clouds lifting from Ireland's reluctance to participate in releasing open data to the public? Given the glowing report by the OGP one would think that open data is about to become mainstream within the Irish National Government. In a June 17th OGP blog posting +Denis Parfenov expresses optimism on the following announcement: On May 20, 2013, the Irish Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform, Mr Brendan Howlin, announced that Ireland has sent its Letter of Intent to join the Open Government Partnership. "I look forward to working with citizens, civil society interests and business on the development of Ireland’s first National Action Plan of commitment required for full OGP participation”, Mr Howlin said. “I hope that civil society and citizens at large will use the OGP as an opportunity not only to encourage greater transparency and to open the doors of government to greater...