Open Data, Open Government and the Guise of Transparency


Technology and Transparency: Data Needs a Cultural Context
Per a conversation with Alex Howard on Google+, I have read "Beyond Technology for Transparency". The author makes several points:
The Yu and Robinson article "The New Ambiguity of 'Open Government'" was something I read a few weeks ago. I disagree that the edge of open government is going away. Yes there are data sets being published that have nothing to do with accountability. Yes there are open data initiatives that stand up a few data sets and call it "open". This does not mean that all or most open data professionals do this. This whole line of "government versus the people" is one of the reasons PSA's have trouble getting open data initiatives launched in the first place.

David Sasaki makes good points at the end of his blog post. Open data should strive to reduce poverty, corruption and and reduce operational inefficiencies. This will not happen with just transparency. Open government should be creating collaborative data driven policy between government and citizens.

There are several problems with the arguments made by critics of open data such as Yu and Robinson:

Government is a collection of people and not a single entity
Agencies in government view data as political leverage to affect policy and create relationships with other agencies.
Mandated open data initiatives that do not give agencies any incentive to share will fail.
Failure is not caused by government's inherent desire for secrecy but rather in elected officials, citizens and activists not understanding the culture of government workers and agencies.
Arguments about government intent are facile since elected officials do not wield as much power internally as in commonly believed.

An Example of Transparency and Culture Clashes at the Federal Level:
Below I have quoted another article that speaks more toward the culture of government. So far there have been very few government employed open data people talking about open government data. I think it is important to understand the culture of government in the United States.

The article below discusses the US Federal initiative and why it has not met expectations.

"When Transparency and Collaboration Collide" This is not a free download but does explore why open data initiatives have problems.

"When Transparency and Collaboration Collide" analyzes why has had issues with getting data from more than a few agencies and examines the motives for why agencies have been passive-aggressive in complying with President Obama's executive order. The reasons are rooted in how agencies interact with one another and use data as bargaining chips rather than any attempt to be secretive.

The Red Herring: Government is Inherently Secretive
One of the themes that I feel is a red herring is this argument that government is hijacking open data initiatives as a way to be less transparent. Certainly there are dubious initiatives. I don't know the details of the open data efforts in Kenya but I will take the author's word for it. Government is not that smart. I know very well at the municipal, county and state level that the governments involved in my open data initiative are not monolithic omniscient entities. Internally, government is a series of departments and people often with differing agendas that makes getting meaningful work done difficult even with strong executive buy-in.
This argument distracts from the real problems open data initiatives face. Governments are not people with personalities. Governments are collections of people that share a culture. This is something I talked about with Open Ireland. Agencies that report to the executive branch of the federal government and that were affected by President Obama's executive order had no incentive to cooperate. Far from having an incentive agencies would lose political power by complying with the order. These reasons had nothing to do with transparency and show a complete failure of this open data initiative to understand the culture of the agencies affected by the order.

Federal agencies exchange data sets with each other using an MOU/SLA contract that specifies how the data is to be used and how the data will be delivered. This data contract is something well understood in technology circles and is something that is a feature in web services created through Service Oriented Architectures (SOA). Understanding how and why data is traded among agencies is the first step toward creating an incentive for them to share data with the public.

Let me restate that nowhere does any agency have an incentive to be secretive as a way to cover up corruption or other abuses of the public trust. That is not to say that abuses do not happen. In the case of this was not at issue. At issue was an agency desire to create benefit from distributing the data.

When the open data folks at suggested developing an internal framework for exchanging data sets through contracts between data stewards and data consumers the agencies were much more likely to keep their data fresh, complete and in compliance with the executive order. This internal framework made it easier for agencies to license data to each other and to deliver data through SOA based web services.

To summarize the discussion should be how to work with government to create meaningful open data initiatives. Municipalities such as mine have seen the benefit in narrating major issues within the community and seeking a way to collaborate with citizens using data to drive policy decisions.


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